Papaver somniferunm 'Lauren's Grape' |
数年前、ガーデンクラブで '一番好きなお花は?' と尋ねられた時
しょうがなく ポピー と書きました。
あっという間に散ってしまうのと 少しの風でもじっとしてくれず
なかなかピント が合いません。
The question at the garden club was "what is your favorite flower?"
(who'd ask such a thing anyway?)
I'd reluctantly put down poppy.
The flower doesn't last very long and she doesn't stay still even in the slightest breeze.
Anyway, those are my excuses for the unfocused photo.
コロラドの有名なガーデンライター、デザイナー、Lauren Springer Ogden さんのお陰で
'Lauren's Grape' は米国(世界?)中、たくさんのお庭に咲いている様子です。
"Lauren's Grape" is spread through gardeners across the nation (world?)
thanks to Ms. Lauren Springer Ogden; well known Colorado plantswoman, designer and garden writer.
Her book "The Undaunted garden" is my absolute favorite.
Ms. Lauren fist started the poppy from seed scraped off from a bagel. She then weeded out other colors after she spotted this gorgeous color.
I had almost lost it when I moved, but luckily found my old seed stash and
she greets me with her old-fashioned charm every year.
Looks like I will have many seeds to share this year.
garden log : daylilies in full bloom, cut back willow, lost one more pepper plant
south side bed is sparse this year.