Saturday, June 20, 2015

finally sunny  やっと晴天

Primula Vialii 

去年このプリムラを植えた時 こんな半砂漠地帯でちゃんと育つかしら? と、心配だったのですが、今春の異常な雨量のおかげで うちの小さなシェイド・コーナーでも綺麗なお花をつけてくれました

I wasn't sure if this primrose was going to survive our dry climate when I planted it late fall, but she is thriving in my little shady corner thanks to constant moisture we had this spring.   

The 日陰!


I harvested my snow peas and garlic scapes* despite the late snow, rabbits, hail and more rabbits.
They are a little anemic because we didn't have much sunshine, but I was pleased to get them.

この地域の年平均降水量はたったの15インチ、38cm なのですが 先週、12時間で2.5インチ、6.35cm近く雨が降りました 凄かった~

Considering our average annual precipitation is about 15 inches (including snow total), receiving almost two and a half inches of rain within 12 hours was, well, epic.  

でも、この異常に湿った気候がやっと、やっと終わりを告げてくれたようで 今お日様が地面を乾かしてくれています、もうすぐ掘れそう~
週末のガーデンセンターはまるでお祭りのようにとても込むのでその前に、と、金曜日朝方 急いで行ってきました 他のガーデナーさん達もきっとこの日を首を長くして待っていたはず…


何はともあれやっと庭で 遊べる お仕事できるのがとても嬉しい!

But unusual wet weather patterns seem to be over and it is sunny, and my soil is almost dry enough to plant.
I made a mad dash to a garden center Friday with a mission to beat the weekend pandamonia.  I knew that every single gardener in the Denver metro area was itching to "dig".

I loaded vegetable plants into my car, and when I hit the road, the outside temperature on the dashboard was showing 99º F!

Anyway, I'm so happy that I can finally play, I mean work in my garden, because I was running out of time to put the summer vegetables in the ground.  

さっ、楽しみながらゆるゆる頑張ります ^^/

Now, let the fun begin!

お野菜の苗と一緒に花苗も少し連れて帰りました… 少しだけね

A few annuals and perennials came home with vegetables -just a few.

*garlic scapes are the "flower stalks" of hardneck garlic plants, they are edible and delicious. They taste like a strong green onion with a crunchy texture, and are sold at grocery stores in Japan (and I suspect other Asian countries).



  1. かわいいプリムラ、、存在感大の 色ですね〜

    日本ではほとんど 中国産で これはちょっと 買いたくないのよね、、
    無性に食べたい時は かっちまうけどね〜

    1. カタナンケさん♪
      かなり派手な色ですよね、 陽射しの強いコロラドでも映える色です。
      本当はもっと優しいパステル系が'好みなのですが ここでは色がワッシュ・アウトしてしまうのであまり使えないんですよ~。

  2. I'm so glad your weather has become more amenable to planting fun! Enjoy every moment in your beautiful garden. :-)

    1. Thank you, Kym♪
      It has been a long wait....I'm cherishing every moment, except rabbits are taking over my garden! I have to find a solution FAST!


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