Papaver somniferum 'Lauren's Grape' |
Maybe because my Oriental poppy and red horned poppy didn't bloom this year due to excess moisture and lack of sun, the breadseed poppy is opening up with abandon -and making me happy.
その代わりブレッドシード・ポピーがたくさん咲いてくれています 嬉しいな
Two species roses are also in bloom.
Since I don't protect (no bubble wrapping here) my roses during our harsh winter, these tough species roses are the only kind that don't die down to the ground. They are not those gorgeous, take your breath away roses, but I'm rather fond of their simple form.
Rosa eglanteria (Sweetbriar rose) |
Rosa glauca (Red leaf rose) |
I've been busy planting summer vegetables and (still) cleaning washed out mulch and compost from the earlier heavy rain. All tomatoes and peppers are in, and I even managed to find Shishito pepper and komatsuna plants this year! I've harvested about 2 cups of peas today, and will be making sweet pea rice tonight. It's not my husband's favorite, but I have to have this seasonal dish with the baby sweet peas before June is over.
Do you have a favorite seasonal dish?
夏野菜の植え込みと先日の豪雨の後片付(まだ)流されたマルチやコンポストのお掃除でてんてこ舞いでしたが やっとトマトもペッパー類も植え終わりました そして今年初めて獅子唐と小松菜の苗も見つけたんですよ!タグには shishito Pepper, Komatsuna と書いてありました
今日グリーンピースを2カップ収穫 (ちなみにアメリカの1カップは237mlです)
今晩 青豆ごはんを炊きます 夫の好物ではないみたいなのですが(以前まあまあだねと言っていた)わたしが大好きな旬の青豆ごはん、6月中にいただきます~