Saturday, June 27, 2015

end of June

 Papaver somniferum 'Lauren's Grape'

Maybe because my Oriental poppy and red horned poppy didn't bloom this year due to excess moisture and lack of sun, the breadseed poppy is opening up with abandon -and making me happy.

その代わりブレッドシード・ポピーがたくさん咲いてくれています 嬉しいな

Two species roses are also in bloom. 
Since I don't protect (no bubble wrapping here) my roses during our harsh winter, these tough species roses are the only kind that don't die down to the ground.  They are not those gorgeous, take your breath away roses, but I'm rather fond of their simple form.  


Rosa eglanteria (Sweetbriar rose)

Rosa glauca (Red leaf rose)

I've been busy planting summer vegetables and (still) cleaning washed out mulch and compost from the earlier heavy rain.  All tomatoes and peppers are in, and I even managed to find Shishito pepper and komatsuna plants this year!  I've harvested about 2 cups of peas today, and will be making sweet pea rice tonight.  It's not my husband's favorite, but I have to have this seasonal dish with the baby sweet peas before June is over.

Do you have a favorite seasonal dish? 

夏野菜の植え込みと先日の豪雨の後片付(まだ)流されたマルチやコンポストのお掃除でてんてこ舞いでしたが やっとトマトもペッパー類も植え終わりました そして今年初めて獅子唐と小松菜の苗も見つけたんですよ!タグには shishito Pepper, Komatsuna  と書いてありました

今日グリーンピースを2カップ収穫 (ちなみにアメリカの1カップは237mlです)
今晩 青豆ごはんを炊きます 夫の好物ではないみたいなのですが(以前まあまあだねと言っていた)わたしが大好きな旬の青豆ごはん、6月中にいただきます~


Saturday, June 20, 2015

finally sunny  やっと晴天

Primula Vialii 

去年このプリムラを植えた時 こんな半砂漠地帯でちゃんと育つかしら? と、心配だったのですが、今春の異常な雨量のおかげで うちの小さなシェイド・コーナーでも綺麗なお花をつけてくれました

I wasn't sure if this primrose was going to survive our dry climate when I planted it late fall, but she is thriving in my little shady corner thanks to constant moisture we had this spring.   

The 日陰!


I harvested my snow peas and garlic scapes* despite the late snow, rabbits, hail and more rabbits.
They are a little anemic because we didn't have much sunshine, but I was pleased to get them.

この地域の年平均降水量はたったの15インチ、38cm なのですが 先週、12時間で2.5インチ、6.35cm近く雨が降りました 凄かった~

Considering our average annual precipitation is about 15 inches (including snow total), receiving almost two and a half inches of rain within 12 hours was, well, epic.  

でも、この異常に湿った気候がやっと、やっと終わりを告げてくれたようで 今お日様が地面を乾かしてくれています、もうすぐ掘れそう~
週末のガーデンセンターはまるでお祭りのようにとても込むのでその前に、と、金曜日朝方 急いで行ってきました 他のガーデナーさん達もきっとこの日を首を長くして待っていたはず…


何はともあれやっと庭で 遊べる お仕事できるのがとても嬉しい!

But unusual wet weather patterns seem to be over and it is sunny, and my soil is almost dry enough to plant.
I made a mad dash to a garden center Friday with a mission to beat the weekend pandamonia.  I knew that every single gardener in the Denver metro area was itching to "dig".

I loaded vegetable plants into my car, and when I hit the road, the outside temperature on the dashboard was showing 99º F!

Anyway, I'm so happy that I can finally play, I mean work in my garden, because I was running out of time to put the summer vegetables in the ground.  

さっ、楽しみながらゆるゆる頑張ります ^^/

Now, let the fun begin!

お野菜の苗と一緒に花苗も少し連れて帰りました… 少しだけね

A few annuals and perennials came home with vegetables -just a few.

*garlic scapes are the "flower stalks" of hardneck garlic plants, they are edible and delicious. They taste like a strong green onion with a crunchy texture, and are sold at grocery stores in Japan (and I suspect other Asian countries).


Friday, June 12, 2015

Lots of Love

My mother-in-law is a Saint.
She is a woman of few words.  And when she speaks, it's alway something complementary. 
I've never seen her complaining about anything.


My husband had grown up listening to her "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything" motto.
And this principle is something he still religiously adheres to this day.
I admire this quality about him.

今でもその賢明な教訓を忘れていません 手本にしなくては、と思います

I've received a thank you note from my mother-in-law a little while ago.
Since this is highly personal, I wondered if I should make it public or not.
But, this is such a lovely note that I wanted to share it with you.
In this note, she is referring to a humble handmade jewelry set I sent to her for Mother's day.
The larger light blue stones are aquamarines which are her birthstones. 


~  ~  ~

Dear Chiko,

Just a little note of thanks for my beautiful necklace and bracelet.

I got many compliments when I wore them to church on Sunday.

Hope you and the family are well.

Give J a big hug for me when you see him and R too (if you want to) O.K. Do it.
And of course save one for you. 

Many thanks again, God Bless you.

Lots of Love, Mom

Chiko へ、

素敵なネックレスとブレスレット どうもありがとう

皆 元気ですか?
今度会った時 J に私からの大きなハグをあげてね
R にも、(もしあげたかったら)う~ん、やっぱりあげて!



(J は孫、R は息子のことです(義母の)、私達夫婦が普段ラブラブ・タイプではないのでお茶目にからかってあります、こういう和訳は難しい~、気持ちが伝わるといいのですが)

~  ~  ~

I am a lucky daughter-in-law.

A friend of mine has once told me that her x-mother-in-law used to come in to their house and immediately start mopping the floor -everytime.  I also know a person who had received a toilet brush on Christmas from her you know who.

I can't think of anything nice to say about that, so, I say nothing.





Thursday, June 4, 2015

tattered  ぼろぼろの

Yesterday started out as a beautiful day.
I gardened in the morning, and really enjoyed taking pictures and making plans about what I'll do for my garden this year.
I showered, had a light lunch, and went shopping.
As I was checking out at my last stop, suddenly the rumbling began.

It hailed and rained like cats and dogs.

Today's post was supposed to be titled "beautiful June".

午前中ガーデニングを楽しんで 写真を撮ったり植え付けの計画をしたり有意義に過ごしました

今日のポストの題名は「beautiful June」の予定だったのですが…

This was the first rose bloom.


Rosa Rugosa 'Therese Bugnet'

False indigo, just about to open.


Baptisia australis

Two varieties of geraniums and some alliums. 


Geranium sanguineum

Geranium 'Biokovo'

And a better picture of flax.


But I had to change the title after this.


Tattered Japanese lilac leaves and water lilies looking like floating maple leaves.

ボロボロに叩き落とされた低木の葉、睡蓮の葉は破れてしまい まるでもみじの葉が水に浮いているようです

Needless to say most plants look very stripped now, and of course I'm sad, but I'm surprisingly calm about this ordeal. It's been 20 years since I've started to garden in Colorado.  I suppose my nerves have become thicker each year, and/or have learned to look at the brighter side.  
We are dry with a roof over our head.  I didn't get into an accident as I drove home, although many drivers were pulling themselves aside.  Our dog didn't go insane with the thunder and hail noise while he was alone.  I've learned that you can HOLD the switch down and close the garage door even though the safety sensor keeps tripping off by hail.  And, I didn't have annuals or warm crop vegetables planted, yet!

I cleared the sidewalks, driveway and the pond today, and still have much cleanup to do.  
But I'll think about that tomorrow.
Like Scarlett O'Hara said, "After all, tomorrow is another day".

ほとんどのプランツの葉は破れて哀れな姿となりました、勿論悲しい でも不思議な事に心は動揺していません コロラドでガーデニングを始めて20年、毎年少しずつ神経がずぶとくなってきたのでしょうか? それと良い方に考える事ができるようになったのか・・・


スカーレット・オハラの言うとおり 明日は新しい一日の始まりです