庭仕事を始めると つい時間を忘れてしまいます
長時間 同じことをすると どこかに無理がきますね
出来の良い 自分のサイズに合った用具を使う事を心がけています
西洋のものは わたしには大きすぎたり、長すぎる事が多くて
I often lose track of time in the garden.
I try to alternate tasks as much as I can to minimize strains on my body
and use well-made gardening tools that fit me.
Since I'm much smaller than "an average American",
I need to pay special attention to make sure that they are not too big or too long for me.
I need to pay special attention to make sure that they are not too big or too long for me.
As I cleaned my beloved tools and asked my husband to sharpen the blades for me
I realized how diverse my tools are.
左から From left
ホリホリ 日本製 Hori Hori - made in Japan
コテ 中国製 Cushioned handle Trowel - China
移植ゴテ イギリス製 Transplanting Trowel - England
T型穴掘り カナダ製 Dibbler - Canada
小さい手用 フェルコ プルーナー (F-6) スイス製 Felco Pruner (F-6) for small hand - Swiss
アトラス手袋 ベトナム製 Atlas Gloves - Vietnam
短めスコップ アメリカ製 Short Spade - USA
ブリキのジョウロとバケツ 不明 Galvanized Tub and Watering Can - unknown
去年手に入れたフェルコ プルーナーが特に気に入ったので
フェルコの園芸用ノコギリとロッパーを今年のウイッシュ リストに書き足しました
I have been particularly happy with the Felco pruner since I got it last year
( I can prune all-day with it without hurting my hand)
I've decided to add a lopper and a garden saw from Felco on my wish list this year.
( I can prune all-day with it without hurting my hand)
I've decided to add a lopper and a garden saw from Felco on my wish list this year.