最高気温は 35~37°C が続いています(例年 28°C 程度)
It's still June, isn't it?
It has been so hot that I have to ask myself.
The daily highs have been 95~100°F (the normal high is about 83°F)
I try to enjoy gardening early in the morning- as quickly as I can.
I won't last too long in this heat.
Sadly, the blooms don't seem to be lasting because of the heat either.
こちらは、暑い中 どうにか咲いてくれているもの
A few flowers in bloom despite the blistering heat.
Scabiosa, Camomile, Mexican hat and Lavender |
I though this would be a good time to try growing sprouts indoor.
They are great for salads, sandwiches and Pho.
It was a lot easier than I thought !
1.5 Tbs of seeds sprouted this much in four days.
追記: US 1 カップ =237ml, 小さじ=5 ml
'まずは、あるものでまかなうべし' のモットーどうり、手持ちの保存用瓶とチュール布を使いました
でもお庭では 'ないものは手に入れるべし' になりがち・・・
***It is important to disinfect the seeds for salmonella and E. coli bacteria.***
Soak the seeds in 1tsp. bleach to US 1 cup (237ml) hot tap water for 15 minutes prior to sprouting, and rinse well.
I found many methods of sprouting on the Net, and you can even buy a sprouting kit.
Since I try to "make do with what you have" as a rule, a jar and a tulle fabric I already had worked nicely.
Although I tend to "try to get what you don't have" in the garden...
Maybe the beansprouts next?
garden log : two white roses have arrived.
"Darlow's Enigma" & Morden Snowbeauty