Saturday, July 25, 2015

summer knitting

You normally don't associate the act of knitting with summer, but wait!

We have linen!

通常 盛夏の候に編み物なんて頭に浮かびませんよね


A perfect poncho to drape over a simple tank or sundress.

My preferred knitting project design has changed drastically about two year ago.  Come to think of it, my fashion sense had changed around that time. They became softer, simpler and more back to basic in style, and I'm actually wearing those knitted pieces more often and feeling comfortable in them.  
(I haven't been updating Ravelry project page, but would like to catch up on that soon.)

Ravelry link here. Free pattern here.


考えてみれば その頃から着たいもの、ファッション感覚が変わったのです
(ラベリイ記録、怠っています 記録は後日役に立つことも多く 近々投稿を済ませたい)

Knitting with linen can be a little tricky as there is no "give", aka elasticity.
I need to keep a consistent tension while I knit therefore somewhat tiresome, and I can only knit a short duration at a time.  Which works fine for me in summertime because, well, I'm busy gardening.

リネン糸は伸縮性がないので 編み難くて手が疲れてしまい長時間続けては編めないのですが
シーズン中は庭仕事庭あそびで忙しいので なんとなく丁度いい 

summer garden 2015

In the end, I'm very happy with this simple linen piece which drapes beautifully and feels so good against the skin.
I'm already working on a next one with a different color and a slight variation.



On a side note, the pendant you see here is a real diamond.
I know, it's huge!
It was a gift from my father-in-law when he worked in Saudi Arabia as an instructor in the 80s.
Apparently, you could go to the beach, put your head close to the sand and pick up a sparkle here and there to spot the row diamonds.  Then, you send those row diamonds to Thailand to processed into wearable jewelries.  The quality may not be up to par, but it's such a conversation piece and I rather like this humble rock.

余談ですが このペンダント、本物のダイヤモンドです 大きいでしょう~
話によると、海岸で頭を地面に近づけてキラキラするものを探すとダイヤの原石を見つけることができたそうです それをタイまで送ってジュエリーに加工してもらったようです

それほどハイ・クオリティーのものではないと思いますが この裏話のあるシンプルな「石」、お気に入りのひとつです

Friday, July 17, 2015

risking life to garden 命を賭けてガーデニング

I was a little surprised by the reactions I received from Japanese friends on the yellow jacket sting.
The basic consensus was -I should have gone to the hospital.
Not surprisingly that's what all Japanese websites recommend you do.
While I do appreciate their concern, this reminded me of news I saw about a black widow spider sighting in Japan, and how different our environments are.

I thought how dangerous my typical gardening days must sound from Japanese prospective.

ご心配本当にありがとうございました 完治いたしました

環境の違いをつくづく実感したのと、日本に帰国した時にブラック・ウィドゥ(クロゴケグモ)発見のニュースを見て それがニュースになっているのに驚いたのを思い出しました


There is a chance that a black widow is hiding in my shoes when I put them on.  We have found a few in the house/garage.

Colorado's high UV increases my chance of getting the skin cancer.

I could contract the West Nile virus - mosquitoes have been found positive with said virus in Colorado, again.

I could get bitten by a rattlesnake. Two neighbours found it on their properties.

Maybe get hit by giant hail, as I attempt to save a container full of annuals.

How about the bear and  mountain lion.  Yes, there have been sightings nearby.

And, there are the pesky yellow jackets -everywhere.

Lightning strikes, wildfires, and avalanches.

Lots of  risks aren't there? 

外に出る際 靴を履くとき、クロゴケグモが中にかくれている可能性あり 室内、ガレージ内で数匹みつけたことがある



ガラガラヘビに噛まれるかもしれない 隣人が敷地内で発見 二件あり

大きな雹が頭に当たるかもしれない いつもコンテナを保護しようと走り出る

熊?クーガー? どちらも付近に出没


カミナリ、山火事、なだれ… あ~危険がいっぱい

But, we adapt to live in the environment we are dealt with, learning as much as we can about all the risks and trying to minimize danger.

So everyday I smear tons of sunscreens and bug repellent, wearing a ridiculously big hat, and cautiously moving around my garden with a long stick in my hand.

This is not the perfect place, but making the best of what I have.

And I still rather be here then anywhere else in the world.  
I  ❤️ Colorado.
毎日サン・スクリーンと虫除けクリームをベタベタ塗り とびっきり大きな帽子を被って 長い棒であちこち叩きながらガーデニングです

ここは完璧な場所ではないけれど この地以外に住むのは考えられなくなった
これを 住めば都 というのかな  やはりコロラドが大好きです

Shiso, Perilla frutescens

Made a Shiso juice this week.  My shiso leaves are green on front and purple back.
Ummmm,what a treat for my body and my eyes after risking my life all morning!

Have a nice weekend!

紫蘇ジュースを作りました 我家の紫蘇は表がグリーンで裏が紫です



Thursday, July 9, 2015

around the pond   池まわりでは

あの時は哀れな姿でしたが よく頑張ってくれた…

My water lilies have healed themselves.
It was a sad sight after the hail storm, but they came back strong.


Looking through the clematis 'Princess Diana'


From a different angle through a different clematis.

clematis viticella 'Walenburg'

この方 好きだなぁ

I adore this clematis.


Two lysimachias are fighting to spread in confined wet area by the pond.

Lysimachia clethroides (white) &
 Lysimachia punctata '
Alexander' (yellow)

このオカトラノオは よく「植えて後悔したプランツ・リスト」に登場します

くるんとした尻尾がなんとも可愛いが なかなかのくせもの

This white gooseneck loosestrife often appears on gardener's "I regret to have planted this plant" list.
She is contained here, but I'm a little worried about the other one in the more open area.

Such a cute tail.. , but looks can be deceiving.

* * * * *


数年前 足を刺された時に応急処置をしなかったので夏みかんのように腫れてしまった経験があるんです

タイガーバーム (これ、何が入っているんでしょうね~)

何が効いたのか分かりませんが痛みも腫れも殆ど無く 少し痒いくらいです

中指の関節を刺されたのでこれが腫れて曲がらなくなったら…変なジェスチャーと誤解されそうだ!  腫れなくてよかった。

**yellow jacket incident**

I got stung by a yellow jacket.

When I was stung a few years ago I didn't take immediate action, and I had to deal with a lot of pain and a grapefruit size bump on my leg for a long time.

A lesson learned and this is what I did immediately after the sting:

Told my husband to be aware in case I pass out
Applied After Bite (ammonia)
Applied Tiger balm (I don't know what it is!)
Iced for 1 hour
Took Benadryl (antihistamine)

I don't know which action I took actually worked, but I was able to alleviate most pain and swelling, and one day later I only have a slight bump and discomfort.  Additional icing seems to get rid of itching when it become bothersome.

I'm so relieved that I have swelling under control especially since I got stung on my middle finger's joint.
Can you imagine having to deal with a swollen you know what finger sticking out?  I mean... phew!

Friday, July 3, 2015




今回、テレビのCMにわたしが興味を示したのに気づいて 夫がサプライズで切符を手配してくれていました。
随分前、まだ息子がうちに居た頃 観に行ったことがあるのですが 彼らのショーは毎年デンバーで公演があるので つい、「いつでも行ける」という気持ちになったのでしょうね そのまま10年以上経ってしまいました。

My husband and I went to see CIRQUE DU SOLEIL last weekend.

My husband caught me showing interest on a TV commercial and bought tickets as a surprise.
We have seen them long time ago, when our son was still living with us, but they come to Denver every year and I think I felt like "I can go see them anytime I want to".  Well, ten years passed before I knew it.


We took the light rail to get there, and this also was something we hadn't done for a long time.
It takes 20 minutes drive to the nearest station, so it's almost as easy to just drive all the way, but I rarely get to ride a train here that I felt giggly like a kid.


The show was fantastic.  
Everything they do is so creative and surprising.  I'd think that an acrobatic show could be very easy to get into a rut, but there were many acts that we've never seen before.  We were utterly entertained.

おまけに大きく揺れる電車内では ちょっと向こうに座ったお姉さんがボーイフレンドに持たせた鏡を見ながらファンデーションからマスカラまで付ける技をこなし、デオドラントまで塗るという大胆さ。 こちらも面白かった。

シーズン中はどうしても庭仕事中心の生活になりますが たまには人ごみに交わるのもいいものですね。

A young woman was applying make-up on the moving train a few rows from us with the help of her boyfriend who was holding the mirror for her.  From foundation to mascara.., finishing with deodorant.   I was very much entertained here, too.

I tend to garden all-day, everyday during the season, but it was good to get out and have contact with real people.