Friday, February 21, 2014

pink ribbons


Over the years, my traveling luggage has been taking a beating.
A few luggage sets has been broken up, and I now use a mismatched trio -different makers, colors, and designs.


One thing in common though, they all have pink ribbons tied to their handles.
People seem to use all kinds of things to identify their bags on the carousels, but I have yet to see bright pink ribbons like these.  I can spot my bags in no time.


I am getting ready for a trip to Japan.
Since I'll be changing planes twice each way, I feel that anything can happen to my checked-in luggage,
so I try to be prepared.
Aside from hygiene items, medications and change of underclothes, I have a few things I always have in my carry-on bag.  The very front one is my "fit under the seat" bag.

  • 1頁にまとめた旅程表 待ち時間なども明記しこれに緊急連絡先の情報を加えた物を全てのバッグに入れておきます
  • トラベルピロー 空気を吹き込むコンパクトタイプです
  • 長いストロー いつも2~3本持ち込むペットボトルに使う長さ、わたしはストローがあると頻繁に水を飲むんです 
  • 大きなシルクスカーフ 軽く、暖かく、スタイリッシュ (?)
  • 編み物と糸切用の爪きり TSA (お役所)のサイトから編棒持込許可をプリントアウトしたものも
  •  文庫又はデジタル
  • グラノーラバー 他のおやつもですがグラノーラは最低4本
  • ハンドサニタイザー 保湿系使用
  • ノートパソコン

  • travel itinerary condensed on one page with all the info spelled out ( layover time, etc).   I also have this in all of my bags with emergency contact info.
  • neck pillow  Mine is inflatable.
  • long straws   I seem to drink a lot more water if I have a straw.  These have to be long enough to stick out from a water bottle which I always buy two or three before each flight.
  • big silk scarf   It is light, super warm and stylish (I hope).
  • knitting project with wooden needles and fingernail clippers for cutting yarn and a printout from TSA site stating permission to carry knitting items on board.
  • book  paper or digital
  • granola bars  and other snacks too, but always have at least four granola bars.
  • hand sanitizer  I have one that is also a moisturizer
  • laptop

なにかこだわりの持込用品ありますか? 良いアイデアがあったら教えてくださいね

Do you have a special item you must have on board?  I'd love to hear about it.


Friday, February 7, 2014

first book, 2014

I'd like to share a book I've just finished reading.

It made me think about love, friendship, family, loyalty and patriotism.

I thought it was a beautiful story.

I have mixed feelings about translated books, mostly not very favorable.
I realize what a difficult task it must be to translate a whole book 
and I have nothing but respect for the professionals involved.
I can't tell you how much I struggle (a lot!) with my humble blog translations. 
 But I can best describe it as kind of like the book and movie relationship.
When I watch a movie after reading the original, I'm normally left with a "It was more than that!" feeling.
At anyrate, I found out that this book has been translated to Japanese.
And I'm interested to hear how it was perceived in Japanese and hoping that it is still a beautiful story.



愛情、友情、家族、信義 そして 愛国心とは、

そんなことを考えさせられた 美しい物語でした




